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When it comes to actually coming to the dentist it can be a scary and anxious time, so if that applies to you, you're not alone!

Here are 3 top tips on how to enjoy the dentist.

  1. Choose Appointment Times Carefully: Choosing a time of day where you don’t have to rush off to work or school can help you feel at ease during your appointment. Reducing outside stress or worry will take a load off your mind and may allow you to relax more easily.

  2. Be Open About Your Fears: Communication is key. This is true both during interviews and during office visits. Try to be as honest as possible about letting your dentist know about your fears. After all, you aren’t alone in your feelings about dental appointments. Very few people in the world enjoy the sensations of having their teeth drilled, scraped, or pulled. Telling your dentist about your anxiety will help them understand how to proceed so that your experience is as trauma-free as possible. Never be afraid to tell your dentist about your dental anxiety. Because the truth is that you aren’t the first to feel this way, and you certainly won’t be the last.

  3. Do Your Research: Knowing more about the dentist that you have chosen can help put your mind at ease and plan a relaxing dentist visit. If you have any questions about what you will experience in the office, or about any specific treatments you and your dentist have agreed to, take the time to jot down any questions you have, so that you can prepare yourself ahead of time for each appointment and what you will experience.

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